Amusement Park Week 4

Xianghan Wang
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Lily and I worked as team this week as well. Because our 3D printing hands and cardboard arms have been damaged after falling off the wall many times last week, we started from rebuilding previous stuffs this week.

First of all, we used double cardboard to make the arm have stronger support. Instead of putting it on the wall, we made a base for our arm. Besides, we also made a bracket for it so that the arm would have some space to rotate. And because of the center of gravity, our arm is very unstable, so we added another motor without power to maintain balance. In addition, we also reprocessed the 3D printing hand and painted one more layer to make it not easy to break.

Moreover, because our input data last week is body temperature, the concept of our work is to warm and support others. This week, due to the reason that we need to use Max connect to esp32 wirelessly, we used face expression instead of body temperature to detect users’ mood and determine which people need to be supported.

Facial expression test.

First, we used JavaScript face recognition API for the browser.

Then, we used Nodejs on Max to receive the face expression data.

We also added lights this week to emphasize the different reactions of our devices in different moods. When people are happy, it is rainbow color. When the mood is normal, the color is soothing green. When they are in a bad mood, it is warm red to support users. We used a short ws2812b light belt to achieve this function. The following is a light test.

Lastly, Arduino receives the data from Max and displays different movements and light colors for our arm according to the expression. When the mood is normal, the arm will wave a hand. When people are happy, the arm will give users a high five. When they are in a bad mood, the arm will slightly down and touch the user’s head by rotating the hand.

The following is our final code, wiring and video.

